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Iran’s Nuclear Case and the Political Economy of Hegemonic Media Diplomacy (Analyzing the America’s Strategic Interests from Creating the Iranian Nuclear Crisis in West Asia) (50088 Views)
A Comparative Investigation on the Role of Ideology in Post-revolutionary Developments of Iran and Egypt (49922 Views)
Revolution in the Quran (28178 Views)
Application of Public Diplomacy in Exporting the Islamic Republic (27585 Views)
Ayatollah Khamenei on the What of Revolution (8945 Views)
Analysis of the statement revolution' s second step in the field of the relationship between rationality and spirituality with emphasis on the Qur'anic explanation (8261 Views)
Investigating the issue of selecting justice-seeking managers at the level of the Islamic Revolution (based on the application of the views of the Imams of the Revolution with the teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah) (8232 Views)
تبیین اخلاق حکومتی و راهکارهای تحقق آن بر اساس بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب اسلامی (7984 Views)
نسبت سنجی «سیاست های کلی نظام» با «احکام حکومتی» از منظر فقه و حقوق (7963 Views)
آسیب‌شناسی خط‌مشی‌گذاری عمومی با رویکرد بیانیه‌ی گام دوم انقلاب و الگوی اسلامی- ایرانی پیشرفت (7954 Views)
Feqh [Jurisprudence]; A Software to Expand Islamic Revolution (7918 Views)
The Model of Revolutionary Vitality on the Basis of the Experimental Design for Teaching the Subject "Islamic Revolution and Its Roots" in Universities and Higher Education Institutes (7585 Views)
iesCalled "Shiite Crescent" (7463 Views)
The ideal Islamic society in the mind of the Supreme Leader (Emphasizing the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution) (7200 Views)
A Study of the Theoretical Foundations of the Islamic Revolution in the Thought of Imam Musa Sadr and Motahhari (7122 Views)
مبانی فقهی عدم جواز ایجاد یأس‌ در جامعه از دیدگاه امام خامنه‌ای با تأکید بر بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب (7070 Views)
نسبت دستاوردهای انقلاب اسلامی با اهداف پیامبران در قرآن با تأکید بر بیانیه گام دوم (6944 Views)
Investigating the obstacles to the secularization of the religious government in the thoughts and beliefs of Ayatollah Motahhari Using the theme analysis method (6926 Views)
The Role and Position of Traditional Relations in the Formation of Islamic Revolution of Iran (6839 Views)
Political Freedom and the Islamic Republic of Iran with Emphasis on the Constitution (6743 Views)
The Rule of "Nafye Sabil" [i.e. to prevent the Islamic society to be dominated by non-Muslims] in Islamic Thought and Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran (6712 Views)
An Overview of Islamic World's Geopolitical Position in the Power Game and World Leadership; Opportunities and Challenges (6596 Views)
A Comparative Study on the Principles of Human Rights in Islam and Western Thought (6590 Views)
The possibility of a color revolution in Iran (6557 Views)
Iran's Resistance Economy in ayatollah Khamenei's Viewpoint (6534 Views)
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Feqh [Jurisprudence]; A Software to Expand Islamic Revolution (16594 Downloads)
تحلیل گفتمان اسلام سیاسی مکتبی در اندیشه آیت‌الله العظمی خامنه‌ای (5617 Downloads)
تبیین و نقد میزان انطباق پذیری نظریه برینتون با انقلاب اسلامی (4381 Downloads)
وضعیت‌سنجی و تحلیل روایت تاریخ انقلاب اسلامی در پیام‌رسان تلگرام و راهکارهای تقویت جبهه انقلاب (4379 Downloads)
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واکاوی رویکرد نظامی نمایندگان دوره اول مجلس شورای اسلامی در قبال جنگ تحمیلی عراق علیه ایران (4377 Downloads)
A Study of the Role and Place of Iranian Cinema in the Course of Cultural and Political Developments Leading to the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the Second Pahlavi Era (3423 Downloads)
Imam Khomeini`s Strategies in Managing the Holy Defense (2895 Downloads)
A Behavioral Study of USA with Regard to Pahlavi Regime and Islamic Revolution (2379 Downloads)
A Comparative Study on the Principles of Human Rights in Islam and Western Thought (1953 Downloads)
The Disappearance of the Hegemony of the USA and IR`s Being of Forty Years Old (1885 Downloads)
Consequences of the Sanctions of America against Iran since 1978 to 1988 (1757 Downloads)
Revolution in the Quran (1695 Downloads)
Reidentification of Islamic Republic of Iran's Characteristics and Roles in Large Scale Strategy of Unity and Convergence of Muslim Ummah (1688 Downloads)
IRI`s Political Strategy towards Syria (1673 Downloads)
A Comparative Study of Government’s Rights toward People in Political System of Islam and Liberal Democracy (1672 Downloads)
Strategies of Mosque Architecture on the Level of Islamic Republic of Iran with Regard to the Great Leader`s Words and Goals in Document of Future Perspective (1653 Downloads)
Interaction of Applicability and Legality of Political Systems (1642 Downloads)
A Model of Net-Making in Velour Revolutions with an Emphasis on Fitnah of 1388 in Iran (1637 Downloads)
Imam Khomeini’s Political Thought Indices (In Three Types of Political Philosophy, Political Jurisprudence, and Political Ethics) (1622 Downloads)
The Status of Imam Khomeini’s Cultural Theory in Understanding the Islamic Republic of Iran (1610 Downloads)
Domination System and the Why of Its Other-Hateful-Making: a Discourse Approach (1579 Downloads)
General and Cultural Diplomacy of Islamic Republic of Iran in its Relations with Persian Gulf Littoral States (1575 Downloads)
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New Journal website launched ( 882 print)
welcome ( 293 print)
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فصلنامه علمی مطالعات انقلاب اسلامی Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies
         نشانی: قم - بلوار جمهوری اسلامی - بین کوچه 4 و 6 - پلاک 72 - طبقه 2 - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه معارف اسلامی،
صندوق پستی: 6173-37155، تلفن و نمابر: 32110622-025، پست الکترونیکی: Irs@maaref.ac.ir
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