The subject of this article is the necessity of achieving Islamic constructions of the "state" institution in the Islamic Republic. The key question of the study is: "in what strategic vacuum do the roots of the crisis of the Islamic Republic lie?" In response to the aforementioned question, using the "crisis methodology" (Sprigens), and relying on Ayatollah Khamenei's political-economic thought, it has been concluded that the incomplete process of internal power-building in the country's political system has been the origin of numerous social damages in Iranian society; this defect in its turn lies in the inadequacy of Islam's criteria in five elements: " state men`s manner and Character", "structures, institutions, and foundations", "systems", "softwares" and "patterns". Providing the norms of Islamic quality in these elements will lead to the Islamic state-building in the religious democracy system and will further enhance the efficiency of the Islamic economic political system in governing society.
Tusi A, Taheri M. Islamic Construction of State in an Islamic System: a Pathological Analysis of Islamic State-Making in the Model of Religious Democracy. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2019; 16 (57) :69-80 URL: