In the paper, Ayatollah Khamenei`s view on the what of revolution has been studied. the questions of the paper consist in: what is his definition of revolution and Islamic revolution and what distinction is made by him with regard to other definitions and descriptions in the field? At first, current views in the field have been presented and then his definition has been explained. As is concluded in the study, some cases of distinction and resemblance may be found in Ayatollah Khamenei`s definition with regard to others`. The resemblance lies in foundational consideration of revolution and main distinction in revolution state of being in perpetual movement. The movement, for him, is possible only on the basis of Islamic teachings and foundations
Siahpoosh A, Malakutian M. Ayatollah Khamenei on the What of Revolution. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2018; 14 (49) :7-28 URL: