For architecture Principles to be actualized and presenting an appropriate and nationally and internationally suitable model for Islamic Revolution, indexes and strategies of this architecture, particularly in case of mosques, should be compiled and described exactly. Compiling and analyzing those indexes taken from the great leader`s speeches and general policies of IRI, It, therefor, has been sought to give such strategies that after their first reasoning and study, for measuring their authenticity be given to scholars of the field. It has been concluded that %76 of the strategies are agreed with by all. Generally viewed, an appropriate mosque on the level of Islamic Revolution, consists in a mosque outstanding and simplex, new in form, on the basis of Islamic thought and revolution, dynamic fiqh, past architecture principles, in harmony with native and advanced technology, respecting environment and satisfying the needs. Method of study may be described as analytico-reasonable using Delphi authentication.
Mohammadi Jamal M, Hamzehnejad M. Strategies of Mosque Architecture on the Level of Islamic Republic of Iran with Regard to the Great Leader`s Words
and Goals in Document of Future Perspective. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2016; 13 (46) :75-100 URL: