“Transboundary Development” is among the features of great revolutions that is considered as a guarantee of being universal by their revolutionists. This feature of revolution has been conceptualized under the title of “Export of Revolution” in the political sociology literature which is also in company with expressions such as “reflection of revolution”, “dissemination of revolution” and “effect of revolution”. A comprehensive pattern from various works published in different languages in this field cannot be realized to describe and explain “the distribution of the revolutions”; therefore, through an etymology perspective on the lexicon of this field, the authors are in search of proposing a pattern to understand the transboubdary developments of revolutions. This paper has been organized by revolving around the question that what model of development and dissemination of revolutions can be designed so that in addition to having clear preliminaries, processes, components and types of disseminations, a frameworks for correspondence of revolutions can be provided.
Tavasoli Roknabadi M, Hosseini Davarani S A. A Conceptual Framework in Understanding and Correspondence of Transboundary Developments of Revolutions. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2016; 13 (44) :103-124 URL: http://enghelab.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-318-en.html