With the introduction of modernism to Iran secularism also entered under the guise of intellectualism. From the very beginning secularism has faced important problems in concept and intellectual models. Since secularism has confronted social and political teachings of Islam on one hand and has faced practicality problems in the world on the other hand, it has gained importance. Regarding globalization and information age it should be noted that secularism has undergone transformations in its structure, concept and form. These transformations in large scale intellectual level, indexes and functions caused secularism to experience verbal overlap with other concepts such as secularization. Meanwhile intellectualists brought up different models of secularism in their discourses including polygonal, maximalist and minimalist, post-secularism and subjective and objective. In other words relations between secularism and Islam have been discussed in terms of conflict-oriented, interactive model, converging and Islamic secularism.
Shamsini Ghiathvand H. of Fourth Decade of Islamic Revolution of Iran. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2013; 10 (34) :69-108 URL: http://enghelab.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1114-en.html