In the paper, the how of Salafism appearance and development in Syria has been studied. In the study, Wendt`s social structure given in his constructive approach has been applied. On the basis of this approach, the three constructions related to immaterial agents, material agents and interests of Syria have been studied. In this way, therefore, the ground would be ready to assess the goal of immaterial agents and identity agents, physical environment and players` type of perceiving it as well as the four sources including ontological security, material security, development and consciousness in appearance and growth of Syrian crisis with regard to Salafist groups. In the paper, it has been hypothesized that pure material or immaterial agents may not be counted as agent for Syrian crisis and growth of Salafism there. The question of the study, therefore, follows as: constructivistly viewed, how has social construction of Syria and middle east been a cause for appearance and development of salafism in this country? The method of the study is analytico-descriptive.
Nasr Esfahani M, Masoudnia H, Hatami A. An Analysis of the Roal of Syrian Social Structure and Middle East
in Appearance and Developing of Salafism in Syria as Perceived
by Constructivism
. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2017; 14 (48) :197-214 URL: