Following the the establishment of IRI, dominance of political Islam and its effect on Pakistan society and regarding weakness of Islamabad state in controlling the extremists`s activities and its involvement in national disputes, the ground for Wahhabi and anti Shiism thought to be fostered increasingly. In this way, Salafi extremist`s groups were organized to oppose Islamic Revolution and its effect in Pakistan society. One may ask: what may be counted as the origin of etremists` threatening activities against IR? As viewed in the paper, the attempts made by the groups for attaing a common extreme identity on the basis of other-making has led to an intense in making opposite identity agains IR. In the paper, the powerful effect of IR on extremists` reaction in Pakistan society has been studied at first and then, the effects of such agents as poverty, political instability, religious education and reginal events on the growth and development of extremism in Pakistan have been explained. Finally, the extremists`movements and threats agains IR have been described.