By Divine sovereignty is meant that the main ruler is God and Divine laws and rules. It is manifested in the whole of IRI constitution as manifested in Islamic fiqh, particularly in Shiite fiqh. There may not be, therefore, found any disagreement between fiqh and the content of IRI constitution in the field. In the constitution, Divine idealism has been regarded as the origin of sovereignty, the fact that has caused its content to be known as Islamic. Again, the constitution has proposed the sovereignty and supervision of a faqih of necessary conditions and executor of Divine laws. It has accepted the nation`s vote, control and council as objective realization of Divine sovereignty. It, finally, emphasizes on unchangeability of the contents preparing Islamic state of the system and introduces its laws and regulations as bing necessarily based upon Islamic teachings and beliefs; the fact preparing Divine sovereignty.
Elyasi M. The Emanation of Divine Sovereignty
in the Articles of IRI Constitution
. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2017; 14 (48) :109-126 URL: