Following the fall of Ba`th regime in April of 2003, Iraq arrived at new period and experienced vast changes. The changes, in addition to national ones, was accompanied with many reginal effects also. In national field, various political parties and groups from different Iraqi races played their part in the political field. The Shiites, Sunnis and Kords were three ethno-religious main groups with different tendencies that play their parts in the field of the quarrel between power and politics. In the new period, Iraqi Shiites arrived at new stage of their political and organizational life with a very considerable position in comparison to others. The paper has studied the position.
Najafi F, Masoudnia H, Emamjomehzadah S J, Nassaj H. The Position of Shiite Groups in Political System of Iraq after Saddam`s Regime (2003-2015). Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2017; 14 (48) :91-108 URL: