Seeking to explain democratic right of sovereignty has been of such a historical background as that of human political thought. The theory of joint ownership, refuting divine legality and social contract and as a basis for sovereignty during the age of Imam`s absence, seek to justify right of sovereignty on the basis of religious teachings. Now, on this basis, a question appears in mind as: may joint ownership as a political theory be regarded as the basis of Islamic political system today? The hypothesis is formed as: joint ownership is not taken from practical wisdom and is not founded upon revealed teachings; on the contrary, it is completely based on some teachings taken from common sense. The failure of the theory, therefore, would be made clear with regard to the theory`s difficulties. It is, finally, concluded that considering failure of the theory, not only government in Islam is not refuted but it would be known as necessary also.
Karami Chameh E, Abedi A, Baqeri S. Possibility or Impossibility of Joint Ownership
as the Basis for an Islamic Political System
. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2017; 13 (47) :69-86 URL: