One considerable challenge of Islamic countries is regarded as security, particularly political security. The question of the paper runs as: are feqhi teachings of such a capability needed for explaining and producing political security and giving a model of security? As is claimed and shown in the paper, Shiite feqh has given a particular weight to security of Islamic system, particularly to political security. One may find various feqhi statements on the topic in different parts of feqh. These statements introduce the ways, agents and norms for producing and preparing political security of an Islamic system and opposing threats on the way. The paper, relying on the inferential and document-based method, has gathered and studied feqhi statements on the topic with special attention to Jawaher ul-Kalam and, using a mixed model taken from Barry Buzan`s theory of security, the five feqhi expediencies and usuli theory of designations, has surveyed and analyzed the view of Islam on political security of an Islamic system.
Nabatian M. Feqhi Principles of IRI`s System; Shiite Feqh
on Political Security of an Islamic System.
. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2017; 13 (47) :31-48 URL: