The most important condition for an Islamic state lies in the correspondence of the legal system of the Islamic state with religious principles and standards. This debate has been going on for a long time, from the Mashrooteh era to the present day, and it has been intertwined with the basic question of the necessity and whatness of the norm for perceiving the religious quality of the Islamic law. This research, using the analytical-critical method and intending to answer the question, tries to reach an answer befitting the Islamic system by delving into the ideas of this field and criticizing and evaluating them. This answer is based on the presupposition of the systematicity of Islamic thought, the feasibility of acting on the ruling jurist's fatwa, and its comprehensiveness and breadth compared to other pertaining viewpoints. Therefore, the fatwas issued by the ruling jurist with regard to conditions, place and subjective extension is the closest fatwa to the public interest and, thereof, the most applicable one for Islamic state`s legislation.
karimi M T. Critical study of different approaches in jurisprudential criteria of Islamic State laws. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2023; 20 (72) :93-112 URL: