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:: Volume 20, Issue 72 (2023) ::
2023, 20(72): 159-184 Back to browse issues page
A comparative study of the approach of Shiite and Sunni Muslim thinkers on the issue of the Islamic Revolution
Abstract:   (1589 Views)
Revolution is the largest and fastest transformation in a society, which is both the result of transformation and a cause for subsequent transformations. The present article with a comparative method and librarian tools has been performed to study Shia and Sunni thinkers`s approach to the Islamic Revolution; It seeks to answer the question: What is the approach of Shia and Sunni thinkers to the Islamic revolution? The findings of the research show that in the opinion of Sunni thinkers, the priority is to keep present situation, the caliphate system, the teachings of the rightly caliphs, and carry out reforms instead of revolution. Also, according to Shia thinkers, priority is given to Shia jurisprudence, the stimulating teachings of Islam, the school of Imam Hossein (a) and the Prophet (s), anti-tyranny and spiritualism, the occurrence of revolution instead of reform; The Islamic revolution is a positive category and a necessity in the approach of Shia and Sunni Muslim thinkers, which is the continuation of the mission of the Prophet (s) and the victory of the school of truth over falsehood.
Keywords: Islamic Revolution, Islamic Thinkers, Shia, Sunni, Approach.
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Type of Study: Research |
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A comparative study of the approach of Shiite and Sunni Muslim thinkers on the issue of the Islamic Revolution. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2023; 20 (72) :159-184
URL: http://enghelab.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2126-en.html

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Volume 20, Issue 72 (2023) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی مطالعات انقلاب اسلامی Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies
         نشانی: قم - بلوار جمهوری اسلامی - بین کوچه 4 و 6 - پلاک 72 - طبقه 2 - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه معارف اسلامی،
صندوق پستی: 6173-37155، تلفن و نمابر: 32110622-025، پست الکترونیکی: Irs@maaref.ac.ir
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