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:: Volume 18, Issue 64 (2021) ::
2021, 18(64): 67-88 Back to browse issues page
Saudi Arabia's Policy Against the Influence of the IRI (Case Study: Syria and Bahrain)
Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini1 , Mohsen Tavakoli2 , Ehsan Jafarifar * 3
1- Associate professor of Fiqh and Islamic laws foundations
2- Phd student of international relations, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch.
3- Phd student of international relations, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch , ehsan_jafari_far@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2008 Views)
The victory of the Islamic Revolution is known as the most important development in the Middle East; because establishment of the Islamic Republic in place of a monarchy led to revival and expansion of Islamic values in such countries as Bahrain and Syria. The Islamic Revolution, as the center of the spread of religious values and the rise of popular uprisings after 2011, provoked regional rivals such as Saudi Arabia to confront Iran over concerns about the influence of the Islamic Revolution's discourse. This descriptive-analytical article seeks to answer the question: what is the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia towards Bahrain and Syria in order to counter the influence of the Islamic Revolution of Iran? In the framework of diffusion theory, the Islamic Revolution of Iran is considered as the center for expanding Islamic values and religious democracy, the existence of religious and historical commonalities with Bahrain and ideological influence in the Syrian system have been known as its aims of dissemination. In this regard, Saudi Arabia claims to be the leader of the Islamic world and tries to counter the influence of the Islamic Revolution by using tools and methods such as promoting Iranophobia, suppressing the Bahraini protesters and trying to overthrow Bashshar Assad.
Keywords: Islamic Revolution, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrain, Foreign Policy.
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Type of Study: Research |
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Hosseini S M, Tavakoli M, Jafarifar E. Saudi Arabia's Policy Against the Influence of the IRI (Case Study: Syria and Bahrain). Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2021; 18 (64) :67-88
URL: http://enghelab.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1987-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 64 (2021) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی مطالعات انقلاب اسلامی Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies
         نشانی: قم - بلوار جمهوری اسلامی - بین کوچه 4 و 6 - پلاک 72 - طبقه 2 - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه معارف اسلامی،
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