Imam Khamenei has always paid special attention to the correct and scientific explanation of Mahdism and his theory of expectation has been presented to the society in a systematic geometry. One of the main axes of the theory is "truthful hope" and its efficiency in creating and maintaining expectation. This study, while explaining the what of expectation and hope and its types, examines the relationship between true hope and expectation from their point of view with a descriptive-analytical method. In the Supreme Leader's system of thought, truthful hope is "purposeful," "motivating, and expectant," and "confident." truthful hope is also the driving force of expectation in the field of the individual and society, and by preventing feelings of emptiness, sluggishness, and stagnation, it strengthens motivation, invigorates, and facilitates preparation for zuhur in each individual. Based on such hope, the struggle for good, confrontation with oppression, the establishment of justice, progress and success in the Islamic society will emerge and sincere hope will be spread to other oppressed nations. One of the most important ways to strengthen sincere hope is a heartfelt relationship with Imam al-Zaman (as), introducing the promised perfect society and mentioning the birth of the savior of the human world.
Mansoori M. An Analysis of the Characteristics of Truthful Hope
in the Theory of Expectation of the Supreme Leader. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2021; 17 (62) :207-226 URL: