The theological foundations of any movement justify its orientations and differentiate it from other ideological and political currents. Hezbollah in Lebanon is no exception. The main question of the research is: what may be taken as the impact of Imamiyyeh`s theological foundations on Hezbollah's emergence, persistence and policies? The method of this article is analytical-explanatory with Imamiyyeh`s political and theological approach. The findings of the study indicate that the same theological foundations that led to the emergence of the Islamic Revolution, which itself is influenced by the theological foundations of the Imamiyyeh, led to the appearance and establishment of Hezbollah. Therefore, it can be said that Hezbollah is influenced by the Islamic Revolution in terms of theology. Those theological foundations of the Imamiyyeh having played a fundamental role in the formation of Hezbollah include: monotheism in the rule, robubiyyat and tashri`a, Imamate and velayat-e faqih, the issue of zohur and so on.
Karbalaei Pazuki A, Qane`i Ardakan M, Hasanzadeh S. The Impact of Imamiyeh Theological Principles
on the Appearance of Lebanon Hezbollah. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2019; 16 (57) :111-124 URL: