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:: Volume 16, Issue 57 (2019) ::
2019, 16(57): 7-20 Back to browse issues page
Revolution Exportation and the Principle of Non-Intervention in International Laws
Mojtaba Abdekhodayi *
, abdkhodaei.mojtaba@gmail.com
Abstract:   (5211 Views)
The importance of "revolution-exportation" in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic has raised the question: what is the relation of this principle to the principle of non-intervention in international laws? Does not such a theoretical disagreement lead to a challenge in international interactions? Various interpretations of the principle of the revolution exportation and ambiguities in the principle of nen-intervetion have made it difficult to make a general judgment on the compatibility or incompatibility of the two principles. Yet, the basis of the two principles may not be taken as being contradicted. This essay analyzes analytically the forms of exporting revolution in the form of five readings of model-development, political-strategic, cultural-propagandistic, military-organizational, and jihadist. As viewed in the paper, the first three readings has been known essentially as non-conflicting with the principle of non-interference, and justifies military-weapons reading in the context of the evolution of the concept of sovereignty and the extension of humanitarian intervention rights. Finally, it has been viewed that the recitation of Imam Khomeini is a spiritual-cultural model that is generally accepted as legal.
Keywords: Revolution Exportation, the Principle of Non-Intervention, Islamic Republic's Foreign policy, International Laws.
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Type of Study: Research |
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Abdekhodayi M. Revolution Exportation and the Principle of Non-Intervention in International Laws. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2019; 16 (57) :7-20
URL: http://enghelab.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1206-en.html

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Volume 16, Issue 57 (2019) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی مطالعات انقلاب اسلامی Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies
         نشانی: قم - بلوار جمهوری اسلامی - بین کوچه 4 و 6 - پلاک 72 - طبقه 2 - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه معارف اسلامی،
صندوق پستی: 6173-37155، تلفن و نمابر: 32110622-025، پست الکترونیکی: Irs@maaref.ac.ir
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