One of the important gaps in the syllabus of Islamic thought courses in universities despite almost three decades of Islamic Thought departments' activities is to conduct researches and design and clarify desired objectives for these courses that both complies with major policies of the country in this regard and is accepted by experts and university students according to current needs of the society. Having studied major policies of the country written down in different documents, we identified desired objectives. Then data were classified and divided into 385 initial codes. These desired objectives were collected and presented through categorization and themes based on research resources in eight generic fields. Since the research was really lengthy and expansive the validity of the desired objectives extracted through Delphi method, both from individuals and groups, and semi-structured interviews from experts and professors as well as questionnaires filled by university students of Islamic thought courses will be presented in a separated article.
Khoshi A, Maleki H, Kalantari E. Designing and explaining the desirable goals of the Islamic Revolution
(Islamic University Curriculum Curriculum). Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2013; 10 (32) :119-146 URL: