The role of religious teachings in the health of elections, based on late Imam Khomeini and ayatollah Khamenei's viewpoints who believe it is religiously obligatory to participate in elections and consider healthy and free Elections as the expedience of the system and its growth is outstanding and can be traced in at least three axels as following: correcting the attitudes and creating new ones, domination of ethics and system of values and designing a viable communicative system.
To create new attitudes, Islamic teachings depict participation in elections as a religious duty and obligation not a power tool. For domination of ethics and system of values it suggests trust building and proving the value capability meaning professional competence and ethical qualification. For a viable communicative system, presence of religion and its teachings lead to a reasonable interaction, spiritual influence, inclination toward expedience and spiritual growth that are among the intellectual foundations in elections. Presence of religion in these aspects totally guarantees the health of elections.
Moossavi Moqaddam S R. on Late Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei's Viewpoints. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2013; 10 (32) :47-60 URL: