Researchers believe that four decades after the Islamic Revolution, Brinton's theory, which has been brought into consideration in explaining revolutions, has not been much in line with this revolution. It is therefore important to research the extent to which this theory is consistent with other revolutions in the Muslim world. The question in this article is: to what extent does Brenton's theory fit with the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions? The results of the two revolutions' concordance with this theory show that at the stage of the preliminary signs of the revolution are: economic growth, class struggles, change of intellectual allegiance, inefficiency of the machine of the Government, inadequacy of the former ruling class. These norms to some extent may be explained in the cases of the two mentioned revolutions. but in the second stage of Brinton's theory, which includes the post-revolutionary theoretical framework contains the periods of the moderates, extremists, the age of terror and ultimately the Thermidor, it may not be in agreement with them .
Harati M J, Mohammadi R. Verifiability of Crane Brinton`s Theory in Revolutionary Circumstances of Tunisia and Egypt. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2019; 16 (56) :115-130 URL: