Ayatollah Khamenei has viewed the Islamic Revolution to be a fundamental change in values that is accompanied by a change in the hearts of individuals and political, economic and cultural structures. This fundamental change, heppenned with the presence of a mass of people and being of a continuous nature, passes a developing and transendenc-giving direction; the achievements of the revolution in such a process are examined and defined. Fundamental and universal change are two main causes for revolutions to happen. This paper seeks to examine the achievements of the Islamic Revolution in the ideas of Ayatollah Khamenei, whom the most experimental and field documentation in various dimensions are available for. According to the findings, the most important and first achievement of the revolution may be counted as political independence, freedom from dependence and the formation of the Islamic system. In the economic, cultural and scientific fields, the achievements are very wide and incomparable to the time of the rule of the tyranny.
Siahpoosh A. The Consequences and Achievements of Islamic Revolution
in Ayatollah Khamenei`s Thought. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2018; 15 (55) :141-164 URL: http://enghelab.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1068-en.html