:: Volume 14, Issue 51 (2017) ::
2017, 14(51): 93-116 Back to browse issues page
A Study of the Role and Place of Iranian Cinema in the Course of Cultural and Political Developments Leading to the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the Second Pahlavi Era
Mojtaba Arashi *1 , Shokrollah Khakrand
1- , engcac@gmail.com
Abstract:   (5318 Views)
The Pahlavi government tried to use and serve the cinema form in accordance with its demands, and, to a large extent, it succeeded. Therefore, in this paper, it has been attempted to study the cinema of Iran in the political and cultural developments of the period leading up to the Islamic revolution based on the theory of the social role of mass media and their impact on the transformation of values of societies. In the same vein, the research hypothesis is based on the fact that cinema, as a government media, taken as a media for propagating cultural, social, political, and even economic policies, provided caricature-like and incomplete pictures of Iran's developments and conditions. The fact ultimately led to factors such as the outbreak of vulgarity in the body of Persian cinema; this media`s support of the government led to the public disillusion of the cinema as one of the main elements of the Pahlavi's cultural, political and social structure during popular protests and oppositions against the propaganda tool of Pahlavi's rule and, in this way, supported revolution.
Keywords: Islamic Revolution, Cinema, Culture, Pahlavi II, Cultural and Political Developments.
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Type of Study: Research |

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Volume 14, Issue 51 (2017) Back to browse issues page