:: Volume 18, Issue 65 (2021) ::
2021, 18(65): 197-218 Back to browse issues page
IRI`s Media Strategies against USA`s Media Domination in South America
Kamal Akbari * 1, Yaghoub Hajipour2
1- Assistant professor, IRIB university. , kamal.akbari@iribu.ac.ir
2- AM of social communications sciences, IRIB university.
Abstract:   (2019 Views)
The United States, pursuiting its exploitative goals, seeks media, cultural, and political dominance in South America. The Islamic Republic also, following its seeks lofty goals in full coordination with the nations and governments of the region, encounters the influence of the media and to train forces with revolutionary thinking. The main question of the research is: what strategies and media strategies has the Islamic Republic used to export the Islamic Revolution and confront the United States in South America? Researchers have followed this path through interviews with media, political, and diplomatic experts in the South American region and found that, given the geographical remoteness and sense of nationalism active in the region, issuing or strengthening a discourse with remote management may be taken as a viable option. To this end, the media strengthens anti-American political groups through the media, articulating the colonial goals of the United States in the form of media production, producing content from the history and plunder of the United States in the region, producing content to restore national self-confidence, supporting those opposed to US policies and networking of opposite groups to produce media products have suggested by experts.
Keywords: Strategy, Influence, South America, Export, Media
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Type of Study: Research |

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Volume 18, Issue 65 (2021) Back to browse issues page