:: Volume 18, Issue 65 (2021) ::
2021, 18(65): 63-84 Back to browse issues page
The Impact of the Syrian Geopolitical Crisis Conflict on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohammad Ebrahimi1 , Ali Mohseni * 2, Abbas Barjooeefard3
1- Phd student, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch
2- Assistant professor, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch , dr.amohseni@gmail.com
3- University teacher, Shahid Mahallati High Education Complex
Abstract:   (2310 Views)
The Syrian geopolitical crisis is one of the most important security challenges that has affected the Middle East over the past decade. Given the importance of this issue, the present study seeks to answer the question: how have the conflicts of the Syrian geopolitical crisis affected the national security of the Islamic Republic? The article hypothesizes that the Syrian crisis has dimensions beyond political dissatisfaction and ethnic and religious challenges, and is rooted in negative interference and geopolitical rivalries for regional and supra-regional power. Relying on the theory of threat balance, the results indicate the geopolitical threats of the Islamic Republic in the military, political, cultural, social and economic fields and consequences such as increasing ethnic and sectarian threats in the country, the emergence and strengthening of takfiri terrorist groups in Iran, increasing border threats, increasing the presence of supra-regional powers, changing the balance of regional powers and weakening the axis of resistance.
Keywords: Geopolitical Crisis, National Security, Syria, Islamic Republic, Threat Balance
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Type of Study: Research |

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Volume 18, Issue 65 (2021) Back to browse issues page