:: Volume 18, Issue 64 (2021) ::
2021, 18(64): 183-204 Back to browse issues page
An Analytical Study of the Impact of the Distribution Crisis on the Fall of the Second Pahlavi Regime and the Occurrence of the Islamic Revolution
Massoud Akhavan Kazemi * 1, Omid Shokraneh2
1- Associate professor of political sciences, Razi University. , mak392@yahoo.com
2- AM of sociology of Islamic Revolution.
Abstract:   (2714 Views)
The present study examines and analyzes the impact of the distribution crisis on the fall of the Second Pahlavi regime from the perspective of Lucien Pye Crisis Theory. The main question of the present study is what was the role of the distribution crisis in the fall of the Pahlavi regime. The findings of this study indicate the fact that the Pahlavi regime was in a distribution crisis for reasons such as authoritarianism, lack of proper distribution of power, lack of political participation, and unbalanced and unjust allocation of oil revenues. The Pahlavi regime's confrontation with the citizens' participatory-based demands in politics, the excessive concentration of wealth among the Pahlavi regime's leaders, and the promotion and distribution of values contrary to the religious and traditional beliefs of Iranian society eventually exacerbated the distribution crisis and led to the fall of the Pahlavi regime. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and causal research. The technique of collecting data and the method of the study are library-based documentary analysis.
Keywords: Crisis, Development, Distribution Crisis, Pahlavi, Leucine Pye.
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Type of Study: Research |

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Volume 18, Issue 64 (2021) Back to browse issues page