Current article tries to answer this question that how we can preserve national identity in the face of alien identities in globalization atmosphere. It proposes this hypothesis that each identity is composed of two material and spiritual structures and if spiritual structures of national identity are preserved then material structures can be recreated in globalization atmosphere.
Having separated material and spiritual structures of Islamic-Iranian identity and explaining their components, based on principles of constructivism, this article believes that not only Iranian national identity can be preserved from the threats of alien identities in globalization but it can also be hoped to expand the theory of cultural regionalism through the shining Islamic Iranian identity based on spiritual structures and recreation of material structure of identity and culture.
Emamjom'ezade S J, Hameganmorad N. of Globalization Based on Constructivism. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2013; 10 (34) :29-48 URL: