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:: Volume 11, Issue 39 (2015) ::
2015, 11(39): 119-138 Back to browse issues page
Study of the Role and Performance of Islamic Association of University Students in the US and Canada (Persian Speaking) During the Time of US Embassy Takeover
Zahed GaffariHashtjin * 1, Zeinab Gavvami
1- , z_ghafari@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2244 Views)
One of the groups who played a valuable role during US Embassy takeover was the Islamic Association of University Students in the US and Canada (Persian speaking). Due to the importance of this issue, this article tries to answer this question: what was the role of Association of University Students in the US and Canada (Persian speaking) during the US Embassy takeover? To gather data along with the study of document, some of the then members of Association of University Students in the US and Canada (Persian speaking) were interviewed. Major activities of students at that time, include: propagation activities to reveal enemies' conspiracies as well as awakening American citizens. Other activities include orchestrating rallies and marches protesting Shah's trip to the US and supporting students who followed Imam Khomeini's path. Food strike and a mock tribunal to try the betraying Shah were other programs by the association to attract the attention of US media and to convey their message to the world. 
Keywords: Islamic revolution, the US, Association of University Students in the US and Canada, US Embassy Takeover, political activities.
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Type of Study: Research |
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GaffariHashtjin Z, Gavvami Z. Study of the Role and Performance of Islamic Association of University Students in the US and Canada (Persian Speaking) During the Time of US Embassy Takeover. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies 2015; 11 (39) :119-138
URL: http://enghelab.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1048-en.html

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Volume 11, Issue 39 (2015) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی مطالعات انقلاب اسلامی Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies
         نشانی: قم - بلوار جمهوری اسلامی - بین کوچه 4 و 6 - پلاک 72 - طبقه 2 - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه معارف اسلامی،
صندوق پستی: 6173-37155، تلفن و نمابر: 32110622-025، پست الکترونیکی: Irs@maaref.ac.ir
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